When people think of fall color, it's always with crimsons and russets, oranges and golds in mind. But to me the importance of fall color is not its hue but its almost otherworldly vibrance. It's that visual siren sounding out into the cool, damp morning, BEFORE ALL IS MUFFLED BY THE SKY PUSHING THROUGH BARE TREE LIMBS, OR BY A SOUND BARRIER OF SNOW.
It's that last bugle blast of beauty, a visual reveille that stops you in your tracks and forces you to take a moment and absorb the intensity of color before it fades for a season.
I think color should stun - in the old fashioned meaning of the word. It should stop you. Overcome you and transport you. so that for a moment you are simply awash with it and taken by its depth or luminosity and radiance, no matter the shade.